A little before 1 a.m. last night, your mother and I were shocked from our slumber by the sound of our bedroom door flying open and hitting the wall. As I opened my eyes and tried to focus, I saw a 3-foot shadow in the doorway.
"Case?" I asked?
"Case, what are you doing?" your mother asked, much louder.
You then quickly emerged from the shadows grinning and jumped up on our bed as I left it to go find out how you had escaped your crib. As I left the room, I heard your mother say, "He's not wearing any pants!"
I'm not sure if you climbed over the top or burrowed out from underneath the mess you had made of your mattresses (mattressii?), but I had no time to play detective. I grabbed a diaper out of the bathroom on the way back and re-entered the room to find you sitting happily next to your mother, naked from the waist down.
I put the diaper on you and crawled back into bed. I glanced over at your mother and waited for her to tell me to return you immediately from whence you came. She did not. I was surprised. I tucked you in between us and you were generally quiet after a minute or so. But then you'd randomly blurt out words I couldn't understand and I knew it was really annoying your mother, who is 31 weeks pregnant and had an 8:30 doctor's appointment. She didn't need to deal with this.
After about five minutes, I grabbed you and we returned to your room. I knew you weren't going to go (to sleep) quietly, and I wanted to give your mom a break. So I laid down on the floor beside the crib and curled up into the fetal position (I thought this was a little weird, but I was comfortable and just went with it). You jumped with mediocre fervor for a while, then laid down and patted my head, first with your feet sticking through the crib and then with your hands. I was too tired to tell you to quit it, and you stopped in short order anyway. Two hours later, I woke up in your room. I unfurled, got up, grabbed my pillow and said a quick prayer (Please, God!) as I looked into your crib. You were out (Thank God!).
I relayed this story to your Grandma Richards this morning and in-between hysterical laughter she said, "That's so Case! I can see him doing that."
So there you go, son. Not even 3 and people aren't surprised when they hear you burst into a bedroom naked in the middle of the night.
Have fun in college.
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