Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov. 6, 2012


I voted this morning in our country's latest presidential election. It's likely the wrong guy will win, but that hardly matters in the short term.

In theory, one party puts its faith in the individual, while the other party puts its faith in institutions (the government). As currently constituted, I would never vote for the latter, and the former has been a disappointment in recent years.

In reality, neither party serves the people. Instead, they both serve distinct and powerful interests. Their carefully constructed messages are a mix of insincere concern and manufactured outrage.

The political system has plenty of problems, but despite its flaws, our democracy is resilient. It's resilient because so many of its participants are.

I don't know what the  world will look like when you are of voting age and beyond. It might be a wonderful place compared with today. Or it might be a mess. But whatever the world is that you're living in, don't back down from its challenges, be honest — with yourself and those around you — work hard and do your best to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Don't just vote your conscience ... live it.


P.S. It's been way too long since we talked. I could say that adults get busy, but I should never be too busy that I can't take time to share my thoughts with you. And no matter who the president is when I wake up tomorrow, I will be happy — happy knowing that only a few steps and a bedroom door separate me from your outstretched arms and signature smile. Tomorrow, I will once again be reminded of what really matters. The big picture will always be important, but it's the little things that really count.

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