Monday, October 21, 2013

Ashes and memories


Smoking cigarettes is a nasty habit that you better not pick up, while drinking coffee is right up there with breathing as an activity fundamental to the proper functioning of an adult brain. Here's a song that's not really about either one of those things:

Cigarettes and coffee, talking as the sun goes down
Ten minutes of the moments that make up solid ground
Not a story for granchildren but a simple narrative
on why we live for love and why we love to live

A cigarette at sundown shared in the fading light
Coffee sips the cadence of another Tuesday night
It's a feeling not euphoric, it's just one of those things
that makes you feel thankful and causes one to dream

Cigarettes and coffee, a welcome interlude
a couple well-heeled vices to help reset the mood
Breaking up the bigger ... pictures of the day
With a little smoke and caffeine, the world falls away

A cigarette at midnight underneath the nameless stars
The moon illuminates this little thing of ours
The crickets in their rhythm tell an age-old story
Out here in the country, we're lost in our own glory

Cigarettes and coffee, ashes and memories
Funny what we remember and to varying degrees
Caught up in the grand scheme, no surprise we miss the roses 
But drink the moment in and see what it exposes

A cigarette to unwind, candle burns down to its end
A subtle dose of silence to reflect and comprehend
Of ev'rything you take in 'long a journey filled with miles,
the meaning in the small steps makes you take a drag and smile


P.S. Seriously, smoking is terrible and disgusting. It's the kind of thing Packers fans and socialists do. 

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