Monday, January 13, 2014

In the paint


I can't keep up with this running blog!

While you remain obsessed with "choo-choos" (ask me someday about the story your mother just told me on the phone, but ask me when no one is around), you recently took on a part-time job as an aspiring painter. Your newest hobby is awesome if for no other reason than it allows me to call you "PiCaseo," a play on words that makes your mother roll her eyes.

This is not only a creative endeavor, but a messy one, too. In addition to painting, you've also taken to rubbing anything that touches your hands into your hair. Luckily your paints are water-based and come out much easier than macaroni and cheese. Otherwise, you'd look like Dennis Rodman circa 1995. Not a good look, although much better than Dennis Rodman circa 2014. Who's Dennis Rodman? He's the greatest rebounding diplomat in American history.

Anyway, your painting jones seems to have started with a bathtub paint set you got for Christmas. You'll also paint in the living room, but you prefer the porcelain confines. So much that you are no longer content to just spend extra time painting during your nightly bath. You've learned how to open any door in the house (which is REALLY annoying), so you've randomly been walking into the bathroom and climbing into the shower stall to create. Day and night in all forms of dress. Pants, no pants, naked. Your mom doesn't like you wearing your shoes in the tub, but other than that, I think it's great that you're an unencumbered artist. No reason to stifle that, right?

Now, to make your mother's eyes roll even more, I've noticed that you gravitate toward a certain color. Given that proclivity, I am now deeming this portion of your young life the "Blue Period," and it's a trend I hope continues because it's infinitely preferable to your previous work, which we all know by now as the "Poo Period."

Keep up the good work, son!


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